Thursday, August 31, 2017

RFID Patient Tracking - Patient Safety

The RFID technology had been around for sometime in the past, designed more or less to replace the limited bar codes used to ID items. This had quickly developed to what it is these days – a very reliable tracking device that is now in use in many industries. One of the more successful iterations is the RFID patient tracking.

The task of tracking down patients using the RFID technology is quite fitting in the medical industry. Business had been employing the technology in keeping track of transported merchandise and cargoes.


Basically, the main function is keeping track the whereabouts of ambulant patients within the facility grounds buildings and grounds. Once found, they can be safely returned to their beds and rooms.

An equally important side function of the systems is the recording, reading and analysis of the patient’s data (medical history, address, insurance, current treatments, etc.) as written. This function is one big factor in the treatment of the patients.


With the use of the device, the continuous tracking of a patient inside a hospital is important both for management and the patient. (Is the patient suffering from any mental disability? Is he endangering himself or the others?)

For practical purposes, the tracking informs the hospital authorities of the patient’s current needs. (Does he need his treatment now? Is he in restricted areas?)

Added benefits

With the tracking devices on the patient, the hospital authorities are notified immediately on his whereabouts. They can then facilitate triage processes which restricts access to high-risk places in the medical facility campus.

These highly-restricted areas are sometime restrictive even to legitimate hospital personnel for a variety of reasons. The emergencies the hospital is always preparing for are medical emergencies, epidemics, terrorist threats, and other dangerous situations where people are in places they are not supposed to be.

Principal use

In technical terms, the RFID tracking is actually to maximize the safety, security and privacy of the patient at all times. One reason is that the patient’s vital biometrics (medical history, personal information, current medical status, etc.) are recorded and embedded in his RFID.

The data stored on the patient’s bracelet is stored for use in his entire business with the hospital. This would include medical treatments, payments, medical history, present medical status, etc.), all within the time of his confinement and treatment period.

Sample process

An example would be a heart attack victim in an ambulance. His medical statistics would all be written while in transit to the hospital. Once read by the doctors, the current condition and the patient’s medical history can guide doctors on the right procedure to be used. 

When the patient is taken in, he is given and assigned to an RFID bracelet tag. The patient’s personal information is written on the tag, including his present condition and his entire medical history. Included too are other pertinent data (insurance, payments, allergies, etc.)

Upon entrance in the hospital premises, RFID tag readers and field generators interrogate his tag to deliver the important data needed by the waiting team of physicians in the ER.

One important aspect of the RFID patient tracking Australia is the speed to the treatment of the patient’s condition.

Saturday, August 26, 2017

Nurse Call Systems - More Innovations

The part when a hospital patient calls the assistance or the attention of his nurse had been part of the nurse’s list of duties since Florence Nightingale. Today, the innovations on the many nurse call systems Australia had also come a long way since the time of the old buzzers then and physically locating the nurse in person.

Today, the alerts for nurse calls had undertaken many innovations not just for the benefit of the patients but also to the hospital staff and personnel and to the hospital itself. This is in conjunction of savings and better services.

Many systems 

One of the many innovations (mostly major) in hospital services are the different systems of nurse call used to alert nurse and other hospital care-giving staff by their patients. The one same-service is allowing the patients to call for emergency assistance through pushing buttons or pulling a cord.

When a patient pulls the alert string of a badge or the push button, a panel lights up and alerts the nurses and hospital staff in the hospital facility.  Sometimes, some models accompany this with a DED indicator and/or a signal tone. (There are additional buttons and pull cords and indicator lights assigned in different locations in the hospital.)

Places of use

Supplier companies promote their system all for its use in other places as well and not just in hospitals and medical facilities as well. The alert systems are also adaptable in nursing homes, outpatient medical centers and assisted-living facilities and clinics as well.

Some systems have added other features. Now, some have zone lights and software that provide data-logging. This is used mostly in monitoring medical alert devices and the subsequent broadcast notifications should there be states of emergency.


With the call of the patient, whether in an emergency situation or some other regular patient needs, the alert is registered by a light on the annunciator panel alongside the corridor just outside the patient’s room.

The activated nurse call lights gives the staff of the hospital (or the nursing home or outpatient clinics) to be able to quickly and efficiently respond to the call.  The system gives out an at-a-glance information report on the panel. Immediately, doctors and nurses can help right away the patient (or residents) in need.


The system can also be customized according the needs of the medical facility in dealing with their patients. The system is easy to learn and is designed for simple operations. This allows the staff and everyone to focus more on providing care and other assistance rather than learning on computer techniques.

The system’s flexibility is expanded due to the fact that the system can be easily customized. One of the important customizations is the ability to include the many available components needed.


Most of the customizations are for meeting the expanding needs of the facility. These might include the basic system besides having more call buttons; more duty stations and more call lights within the facility for more comprehensive alert points.

Some of the customization include the software for reporting, accounting, and broadcast notifications. Others have medical pagers for either hard-wired or wireless call systems. More innovations are in store for today’s nurse call systems Australia.

Monday, August 21, 2017

Nurse Call - Past the Buzzer Days

The growth of digital technology had triggered a chain-reaction of growth and progress in other areas. Mostly, these had most of its impact in enhanced communications, health and medicine, commerce and industry, entertainment and more. Fortunately, nurse call went with alongside the growth.

The upgrades on the system at present had included streamline communications methods, the integration of clinical workforce, the many innovative uses of the present technology and their integrated mini-systems.

The main use of the system was as a measure to counter the increasing number of patients. The main aim to alert the nurses’ on-duty was to make responses among the care-giving professionals (mostly the nurses) timelier and bring with them their service qualities needed.


Different hospitals use different systems in paging their nurses. All of the systems, however, are similar in principle. They only differ on the technologies used, the procedural techniques and the other integrated actins as provided by their software.

One system, for example, has the patient initiating the call via a call station button. The patient’s information and other pertinent data were displayed. They also included the time and date, the room number, the type of call (emergency, bed, etc.) and were immediately sent to the assigned nurse where the same info is presented.

Some other systems have other additional sections like levels of escalation, depending on the urgency and the type of medical requirements of the patient. Some feature repeats on the notices on unanswered alerts.

Once a response had been received, this will not be put on display on the monitor. (However, the notices are recorded and stores for review, analysis and other future actions.

Other details 

Some systems used wireless pendants in the nurse call Victoria. Some are in the form of belt clips, neck pendants, or sometimes as wrist bands. All need to be in constant surveillance and supervision because most units are battery-operated and are in danger of unit power failure.

Signals are transmitted on multiple frequencies to ensure reliability and connection to the called party. Today’s systems are not dependent on any particular operating systems. Some are browser-based for easier accessibility.

Some advanced systems have their nurses station and offsite computers provide visual notices on these alarms for the nurses. Still some have large wall pagers that display the notifications all over the facility.


Caregivers are now just a push button away. One big benefit of the systems is the quick administration of health care that’s timely, quicker, and without risks.  In older days, physically locating a nurse at their station or elsewhere can be hard on patients.

Today’s system in alerting nurses is a boon to healthcare solutions. This will temporarily take care of the growing problem of continues growth of the number of patients and the present demand of on-time medical attention.

This will not only help facilitate faster communications, it also helps in facilitating better workflow, and management of the hospital’s manpower. Today’s nurse call Victoria has come a long way since the time of the noisy buzzers.

Monday, August 14, 2017

RFID Hospital Patient Tracking - System on the Go

With the advent of digital technology in all areas of human endeavor, new technological innovations have been making progress everywhere in the world. One of the best things happened in the healthcare business, and the innovation is the RFID hospital patient tracking Melbourne system.

In a sentence, the technology is all about tracking and locating patients that have wandered away from their rooms or beds and roaming around the hospital facility. It was such a success that the system today is also used to track down hospital personnel as well. It is now applied to emergency patients in transit to the hospital.

Tracking system

The system uses tags embedded in bracelets and pendants worn by patients. The main task is the location of the patients that may have wandered around the hospital facility. Mostly, these patients are unaware of what they’re doing as many of them suffer from some mental disabilities that impair their reasoning capacity. 

The tracking system is also used extensively during emergencies. The main aim is to provide immediate information on the condition of the patient provided by the tags they wore. With sensors that embed their vital signs, the emergency assistance is much faster, more efficient, and in real time.

What it does

During the log in period when the patient is registered into the system, the RFID (radio frequency identification) can disclose the patient’s medical condition, needs, if any, of specific medications and other related vital information.

All these are related in real time to the proper medical authorities to prepare them for the patient’s arrival. Before, there were the outdated barcodes (with very limited capacities) and some man-made labels for some telegraphic codes, this time the tags do all the information disclosure.

The protocols

At the moment, there are three ways the RFID hospital patient tracking Melbourne work. One, a fixed reader interrogates the mobile tags worn by the patient. Two, a mobile reader can interrogate the fixed tags and finally there are mobile readers that can interrogate these mobile tags as well.

These days, a mobile PDA reader for hospital personnel can do a similar scan on the mobile and fixed tags. The doctors use theirs to scan patient information. The nurses used theirs to log medication history and such.

The original system has readers and field generators to interrogate the mobile tags on the patients. The basic aim was to pinpoint their physical location.

Storing of the patient’s vital medical information and other items were later added to the system and made it more efficient because vital information can be had in one go, even if the patient is present or not.

Readers / field generators

The readers of the RFID tags are typically scattered and found in major areas of the medical facility. These might include the main entrances and exits, operating rooms and other key areas. The main work of the reader is receiving information from the tags that it interrogates.

The field generators “wake up” a tag to send its data to readers within range. These usually have motion sensors. The generators have multi-tag read capacity. So far, the RFID hospital patient tracking Melbourne has been successful. More innovations are coming.

Saturday, August 5, 2017

Patient Tracking Devices - People Locators

After the success of RFID (radio frequency identification) in tracking many transportable materials that companies want constantly on the surveillance, the system had leveled up. Today, it is now used to track hospital patients and RFID is used as the patient tracking devices Melbourne.

With the proof of the technology’s success in tracking things (machineries, car, merchandise, etc.), it didn’t take long for the decision to use the system on people with some modifications. Starting with their staff, hospitals are now tracking hospital patients who are mostly mentally debilitated by memory loss (dementia, Alzheimer’s).

It could rightly be said that transport of equipments, expensive animals, machines, etc. has become routine. The tracking of the patients is insurance that they get their treatment and care on time. Any slip-up can mean more expenses and endanger the patient’s lives.

What it does

The wireless system of RFID has two parts. One is the tag and the other is the reader. The reader is the component equipped with antennas that emit radio waves and receives signals from the RFID tag component. RFID tags are the ones carried by machines (or persons).

The system uses radio waves to communicate with each other. The tag tells the reader their identity and other data or information. The tag can be passive or active. Active tags are powered by batteries and those that are passive are powered by the reader and do not have batteries.

These days, RFID tags are now able to store much information. This might be a simple serial number or it can carry several pages of data. The readers, on the other hand, can be mobile (they can be transported, or they can be mounted, or placed high on an overhead platform).

They can even be built into the architecture of a plain cabinet, a room or even in a building at the receiving end.

Medical uses

These tracking devices use radio waves in many different frequencies in transmitting and receiving data between tag and reader. Aside from the use on patients, the system is also widely used by hospitals, medical centers and other health institutions in locating their patients, equipments, and their staff on the move.

The use of the system on staff and patients gives it another role and makes it a personal tracker. The use of the tracker on patients is one important bodily monitoring system.

Right now, there are new innovations that identifies out-of-bed (and fall detection) and in-bed patients with erratic movements (wandering around with no apparent reason). The use of the tracker on the staff is for practical purposes where hospital administrators must know where their staff is at any give time.


Health professionals and doctors had been informed on the potential dangers on the use of RFID system. The system can possibly interfere with critical electronic devices.

Pacemakers and defibrillators are some of the devices whose functions might be interfered with the use of RFID. (Both are implanted on patients.) In the end though, patient tracking devices Melbourne like the RFID system is one big help and boost to the healthcare industry.