Monday, September 25, 2017

Business Phone Systems - Looking for the Perfect Fit

With fierce competition from all around, businesses are hard put to look for and find the right business phone systems Queensland available for their use. It is not that easy for businessmen to tailor-fit his business to his phone system. The same is true trying to force a phone system to run your business type.

The following phone systems are some of today’s leading systems supplied by some of the world’s biggest phone companies. To be fair, the phone companies have got it almost right to most business companies wanting to fits his phone system to the type of his business.

Virtual Phones

These virtual systems works by connecting a business phone line to remote workers in their mobiles, smart phones or home phones. All have extensive call-forwarding solutions on their phones. The calls they get are all transferred to each of these employee’s designated phone when a client calls.

Their system’s features include an automate receptionist, voicemail, call forwarding, call screening, and online faxing. This system is ideal for companies with a large group of remote workers or for solo business proprietors.


These are the old tried and tested phone systems with local and regional support of phone companies. Also known as a public-switched telephone networks (PSTNs), they are analog systems that are still running along the phone company’s traditional copper wirings.

Running this would need an on=premise PBX hardware to create multiple extensions and allows such features as call transfers and call directories. Some of the hybrid systems have interconnected with current VoIP systems.

Usually, this system is very good for large companies because landlines are reliable and time-tested. The present downside is that most phone providers these days s is moving away from landlines, making them hard to buy and repair.


This one uses the same internet connections that companies use in getting online. They provide features big companies using PBX hardware have access to (automated attendants, call queues, and computer integration.

They provide remote workers access to business phone systems from mobile devices. They may be easy to set up while the system relies on your Internet connection. It is not easy if your connection is spotty in your area. The system is good for small businesses that want sophisticated systems with a reasonable price.

Cloud-Based (VoIP)

The cloud-based system has no maintenance or hardware other than the IP phones themselves. Service providers for this system houses, maintains, and upgrades all of the PBX technology. The cloud gives growing business opportunities to add new lines and they are quick in providing access to new features.

The fees are on monthly per-user use. There may not be any hardware to buy and no services to purchase. Your provider takes care of setting up and configuring your system from your computer.

In exchange, you will have no control of the hardware. If things go down, you have to depend on your provider. This is fitting for growing businesses with fixed budget   and no IT staff to maintain.

This is also suited for businesses that need quick access to new phone features. They may also have several locations and want their system all on one platform. Which of these items on business phone systems Queensland fit your company?

Tuesday, September 19, 2017

Office Phone Systems - Today and Tomorrow's Versions

With the many technological developments going around, the office phone systems Brisbane had also undergone many testy days, including the advent of VoIP phones among others in the offing. Luckily, the old systems’ reliability in bringing in critical elements of business success has been its saving grace since, though it still faces many challenges.

In these fast and easy days, people still put their faith in the secure ways of communicating through secure phone systems for company offices. The old but dedicated PBX in the business can still bring in a bunch of competitive advantages for your company compared to some newer systems that are still in its infancy.


Inside offices with their own telephone systems in place, the many extras of making it easier to manage your business and keep track of meetings and important clients may not look much but they are valuable points.

These days, companies have been flaunting their new types of systems and their kind of services already packaged in their sales pitches. These new systems have many exciting features that help lessen your work load (and that of your staff). The better part is that most of your employees share the same voice resources.

With these new office phone systems Brisbane in place, the workers can transfer calls to one another which can definitely help smoothen running the business in the office. When a worker goes to another table simply to answer another call wastes time and efforts.

Added benefits

An office with a phone system, no matter how basic, can professionalize things within their working group. You can even program music (or a sales message) for clients who are on hold. When customers call and you are not around, the system can inform the caller how to reach other departments or persons to leave a message to.

A good phone system these days has its list of important services that helps make it easier to conduct business deals. These features, mostly all standards by this time, include caller ID, call forwarding, voice mail, call taping, conference call, and frequency number storage (for quick redials) among others.

Tracking calls / conference calls / future features

This is a catch-all term (call tracking) for a feature in a phone system with its capability of tracking who is using the phone and who is making outbound calls. This includes the tracking of your staff’s performance by way of tracking times of calls, lengths, and the recipients of the calls.

 This feature can be important because you can examine the patterns of the calls for a specific department, or even a single employee. Most systems these days already have provisions for future upgrades that are less costly and much better than the older system’s features.

These are the best present-day versions of office phone systems Brisbane to acquire because of the chance to modify itself to a better model. For one, it had already made the system more affordable these days. It saves money on long-distance charges. It reduces costs in moving or even changing a phone extension.

Thursday, September 14, 2017

Telephony - A New Method

Telephony is the catch-all term for a particular field of technology that covers all the aspects of telecommunications and its related services that connect the whole world. As in the past, the telephone is still its main instrument.

However, the objective had additional items that were later incorporated when the world was computerized and most things become digital. They now include the transmission and receipt of voice, fax, and data between distant parties.

Seen in a general context, it is also the collection of instruments, the hardware and the software that are utilized to run the phone system. Primarily, this is the transmission of speech and other sounds between tow points, with or without the use of wires.

The system

Also the product of the many innovative technological developments these days, the present system of today’s telephone had already evolved itself. It evolved for the environments which are geared for business and other technological aspects of society.

The entry-level of PBX systems these days already have functions integrated into its own systems which were recent innovations a scant few years ago. The new service standards today are the unified communications features. These include voice to email, cellular extensions, and IP desktop integration with VoIP capabilities.


The main motivating factor is the reduction of costs and other expenditures in traditional call arrangements before. These were coursed through the conduits of regular phone systems that were already in place then.

At press time, the advancement of the modern run of telephony Brisbane is still developing and evolving to the new nuances of recent technology.


At present, the phone system has not veered away from its primary importance – that of connecting everyone at anytime and anywhere in the world. Communications between two persons is still of primary importance.

Because of the advancements, the distance among places had already become irrelevant in the context of present technology. The importance of the system, however,  had already impacted on many lives all over the world. With the right connection, everything that is vital is now within everyone’s reach.

Because of the speed and ease of communications these days, business and other aspects of commerce have also been speeded up. There are now many useful material things made available to almost anyone in the world, helped by the availability and ease of the communications facilities.


Similar to what is happening in the many facets of society, the Internet had been instrumental in the transformation of a sleepy planet into a bustling, humming hub of communication in many fronts. They include business, politics, entertainment, education and all the other things humans are fond of doing.

Presently, there is now the p[hone system based on the context and technology of the Internet. The use is based on the Internet doing the connection process with the people themselves. This is way different to the old protocol of using the infrastructure provided for by the phone companies.

The main aim is still the same – a verbal exchange among people using a new form of technology. Telephony Brisbane, using another process, is still the same and the world is richer for it.