Tuesday, December 19, 2017

Business Intelligence Solutions – Distilled BI Information

It is only natural that businesses in today’s furious competition would use all kinds of business platforms and techniques to stay ahead of their business rivals. Currently, one of the most effective of these is the use of BI or business intelligence. From there, the companies would then use the business intelligence solutions Victoria presented.  

Like the current fashion of following the method of data dictating decisions, companies these days are also following the other dictum of making quick decisions from these data. These days, company managers have their informed data to propel them to make quick decisions and the quick implementation of solutions  

The main goal is to make the decisions right on time, nor before or after. If the IUT department can deliver the data fast enough from the BI, then decisions and implementations are the next moves right away.


Business intelligence is mainly composed of several related actions in the identification of the many business processes in a company. These processes, though, are not that efficient altogether.

What they need is a new reinvention on a much wider scale and scope to include the ever-growing amounts of gathered data and information.

The activities include data mining, online analytical processing, querying and reporting. There is a much wider scope these days because data and other information are mined and sourced from the company itself and from other big data warehouses storing vital facts.

Moreover, BI now includes historical information (plus the new data) from source systems as they are currently generated in the process. This is ensuring that the decisions in the following business data solutions are sustained, and in such a speed approximating real time.


In bigger companies, the BI systems have applications that include advanced analytics. The other included items are predictive analytics, big data analytics, text mining, and statistical analysis among other components.

The processes done in advance analytics are being run and managed by different teams of data scientists, statisticians, predictive model makers, and other scientists in the area of analytics.

The other teams for business intelligence manage the querying process and data business analysis. The data is typically stored in data warehouses that hold many subsets of the company’s information. These will be used by the BI system.


It had been found that BI is effective when the data from the market (where the company operates externally) and that of the many other company sources are combined.  Most of these are classified under the financial and operational information.

The use of the intelligence is to support the many business decisions which include the operational actions and going all the way to those strategic decisions. The decisions made are from the product positioning all the way to competitive pricing.

The combined intelligence gathered from different sources, and not just from one set of data from one company but from many others greatly empowers the company. This empowerment includes gaining insights into new markets.  

This also empowers the company to have the correct assessments of demands and suitability of the products and services to the customers. This is the final form of the needed business intelligence solutions Victoria.

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