Friday, February 16, 2018

RFID Hospital Patient Tracking – Extensive Use

Like what the acronym stands for, RFID is simply radio frequency identification and its technology is now fully used in almost everything and in almost all industries. In the medical and healthcare industry, its most important use is in the rfid hospital patient tracking Queensland system.

Since its success, hospitals and big medical care facilities are now using the system to not just track their special patients. These days, the RFID system is also being used in tracking their doctors and mobile expensive medical equipments.


The RFID is usually made of high-resistant plastic material with a single-use clasp and a transponder embedded in it. The tag effectively allows the tracking, identification and location of the patient. The system can limit their departure or access to certain areas in the facility.

These tags are attached to ID bracelets worn by all concerned. Their most important use is on patients who require special attention whose exact locations are constantly monitored.

The systems are now provided with electronic links for wireless communication of patient data. Medical authorities can do an instant assessment on critical equipments and people and their location.


The benefits of using rfid hospital patient tracking Queensland are immediate and practical. First, there is the continuous tracking of the location of every patient. With regards to equipments, authorities don’t lose connection with their expensive instruments and equipments.

In the facility itself, with the tracking device at work, no person can enter designated areas that are restricted to everyone except those authorized (pediatrics, drugs, etc.). Sometimes, some areas are altogether restricted not just for patients but including hospital personnel. These are in times of emergencies, terrorist threats, epidemics and other extreme cases.

The latest models have transponders embedded in them to allow recording of some patient information, including health history and allergies, if any. The RFID tags can be used to access the information for review and updates. 

Basics / other uses

There are several ways the tracking system works. Because of the presence of tags, a fixed reader electronically “interrogates” these mobile tags. Mobile readers interrogate both fixed and mobile tags.

In some, a mobile PDA reader for hospital personnel can scan mobile and fixed tags too. Doctors can use theirs to scan patient information. The nurses use theirs on such actions as log medication inventories, for instance.

ER patient tracking

RFID hospital patient tracking Queensland is also significantly used on patients whose whereabouts and condition after treatment and care at the hospital’s emergency room. The tracking software is integrated with the hospital’s own ID system where special patients are given an RFID tag. (This also integrates with the RFID tags worn by physicians and other ED staff.)

These days, the files carried on the patient’s tags contain important data like address, medical details, health history, allergies, prescriptions, clinical reports, test results and certificates, name of attending doctors, and insurance company details.

The technology uses the unique code and handheld readers that can communicate with the tags. (For the hospital, this effectively reduces the human factor and manpower reduction). In the meantime, the patient is immediately cared for if lost and had been found.  

Nurse Call – In Step with Technology

In basic terms, the system of patients calling the attentions and help from their nurse is simply called nurse call in the old days. Through the years, this had been mandated into an official regulation for nurses and the hospitals or medical facilities concerned.

The main devices used were simple buttons that patients can use to call the attention of their nurses or caregivers. In the intervening years, there had been many improvements and innovations integrated into the program and make it a sophisticated form of communications between patients and the hospitals (represented by the nurses and doctors).

The old wired buttons had given way to wireless technologies to today’s computer-assisted systems, and more.


The basic action is having the nurse buttons where the patients can press them whenever there is a necessity to call the attention of the nurses who are mostly at their nurses’ stations. The assigned nurse then goes over and checks on the patient. These days, the nurses can talk to their patients directly.

With the new technology and other innovations (advances) in communications, the call for assistance from nurses had developed alongside with them. The pioneering technology was the simple nurse button used by the patients and the nurses.

Later, the development in technology made it possible for patients to talk directly to nurses (if the present condition of the patient allows it). This eliminated the tedious process of nurses having to physically come over and inquire the patient on what he/she needs. (This needs another time-consuming trip to accomplish the request.)


In a nurse call Queensland, there are two benefits. One is directly for the patient in real time (fast, efficient) and the benefits that affects the medical facility (or hospital) indirectly, and can only be evident later.

In the first place, the patients enjoys the practical benefits when nurses come to their aid in helping them get up from their bed, turning up or down the room temperature, and other various chores impossible for the patient to do.

The hospitals get the indirect benefit in the form of reputation it gathers from their patients and the healthcare family. This one is priceless and cannot be measured tactically.


The generation of goodwill accrued with their brand of services makes the hospital earn a reputation among its co-establishments, and is directly responsible in their current standing in the community. In terms of business, the word of mouth type of advertising benefits them greatly.

There is also the so-called efficiency quotient gathered from the alert system for their nurses. This becomes substantial enough in terms of operational savings for the facility. (The smooth management of manpower in the complex avoids duplication of duties and redundant actions. in turn; this reduces expenses, and will eventually translate into saving later.)

The workflow within the nursing staff alone is enhanced not just by the patient satisfaction but also for the whole organization itself. Nurse call Queensland is one such healthcare system that altogether helps everyone – the nurses, the patients and the hospitals.

Monday, January 29, 2018

RFID Patient Tracking – All for the Patient’s Benefit

In step with the times, modern medical facilities and progressive hospitals all over the world have adopted the RFID patient tracking system which is a standard procedure by now. The devices and the accompanying system had been a big boon to the medical profession on all three fronts – the patient, the doctors, and the hospital administration.

The system is one big benefit for the patient on many counts. For the medical professionals (doctors, nurses, caregivers), the technology cuts a tremendous chunk of work for them.

For the medical facility itself, there is a huge savings in the form of reduction of unnecessary costs which the system had compressed into one manageable flow.


The RFID tags are now used to properly identify patients in administering the right medicine to the right recipient, among other things. In the past, hospital insurance costs were raised unnecessarily from some human mistakes as giving the wrong medicine to the wrong patients.

The right RFID tags are now used to properly identify hospital patients using the stored data in the patient’s RFID tag. Other very useful information can also be written on the tags including schedules with doctors, X-rays or MRIs, all without delay and all are accurate.

Other conditions

There is information written on the RFID tags that also includes the patient’s present condition. On newly-arrived patients, data like their present medical status and other important details are written on the tags. It also automatically integrates with the patient and the other healthcare systems.

Emergency arrival s also has their complete (or pertinent) medical information and these are reflected on their RFIDs. The result is that speedy care and treatment are facilitated right away even before the patient’s arrival at the ER.


Patient tracking with the use of RFIDs is speeded up. The bands send out signals that are instantly read and interpreted by RFID readers strategically distributed all over the facility.

The tag readers are placed in specific areas to be able to locate a patient within a measurable distance (10 feet away or a thousand feet). This is defined by the system to cover an area that is cost-effective in terms of the numbers of tag readers needed.


The RFIDs come in 3 different frequency levels (ultra-high frequency or UHF, 125 KHz. and 13.56 MHz  These different numbers are guided by being harmless to patients but are compatible to several ISO standards.

The wristbands where the RFIDs are embedded can be adjusted to adjust to any size, from very small wrists (babies) to those of large adults. The wristlets are also provided with soft materials to work wall on babies.


The patient’s information also gives out historical analytics which can be followed up with process improvements by the medical staff. The automatic system can give the medical personnel enough time to make their own real-time workflow and adjustments integrating the information from the patient’s end.

With rfid patient tracking Brisbane, the patient’s safety and the speedy medical attention is enabled all for everyone concerned. Everything is for the benefit of the patient.

Nurse Call Systems – State of the Art

In today’s fast-moving technologies, it is heartening to know that it had developed systems and innovations all geared for the betterment of society at large. One of these is the very important nurse call systems Brisbane in use in hospitals and medical centers.

These are actually the updated models of the old alert systems used before in hospitals for their patients who want to alert their nurses. These days, it is now also used by these establishments for their service staff.


These systems and their devices have been supplied by many communications companies. These suppliers have each their own versions of the systems they think is best in making communications of nurses and patients better.

The brands have their own different models for hospitals to choose from. The basic guide is that they have to be dependent on the hospital’s needs and usage. Some models are utilized because of the need for immediate attention to the patients.

Other systems were chosen because they have the features needed by the hospital’s medical staff. Still others have both the features good for the patients and the staff alike and even have functions geared for hospital administrators.


These new systems for initially alerting the nursing staff have carried other features for hospital managers and staff. This is over the main work of giving alerts to nurses when their patients would need something. There are other extra features, too brought on by these new systems.

One of the better features is that patients can call or alert their nurses directly. The main benefit here is the speed and the immediacy in completing the communications. Sometimes, in a hospital most particularly, time is very important and a lost few minutes can be a big deal to the people concerned.

Other services

Another very important and useful benefit is the accuracy of these new systems with the patient-nurse communication and even without the involvement of a third party.

In many medical establishments, the system had been adopted and assimilated. It had also become an integral part of the other electronic records of the patient, patient monitoring, patient flow, a real-time location system (RTLS) and patient wandering. Included too are the interactive patient engagement, security and emergency communications.

 The system’s devices are all servicing the patient better, smoother and faster. The accuracy part is important in the sense that there are critical data reading and implementation involved.

Direct patient-nurse dialogue

The system now does not have quibbles on which alarm is opened or alerted. The devices are all personnel-specific. These specific alerts are directly sent to the on-duty nurse concerned.

The quality of the communications brings in higher responsiveness and convenience. This plays very well in emergency cases like critical care, accidents, and patient falls within the hospital premises. 

State of the art technology

Most of today’s alert systems are now using wireless technology. They now have several ways in alerting nurses – by sound, by lights or by displaying messages at strategically-placed terminals in the hospital.

The wireless system reduces costs compared to the older system. Today’s nurse call systems Brisbane are still evolving.

Saturday, January 20, 2018

Nurse Call – Updated for Today

In step with the march of modern technology inn many areas of today’s civilization (commerce, industry, health and medicine, entertainment and others), there is also a rise in the development of old systems. One of these is the important and critical nurse call.

There are many innovations now in the upgrades. These would include streamline communications methods, the integration of the clinical workforce, the many innovative uses of today’s technology, and their accompanying systems. (Some have RLRTS or real-time location systems for better workflow.)

These are used mainly to counter the exponential increase in the number of patients. The main aim in alerting the nurses on-duty is to make the responses among the care-giving professionals (mostly nurses) more timely and fast, while carrying more quality than before.


Like most of the new systems, the primary benefits a patient can get are the immediacy of communications between nurses and patients. For instance, the system provides the patients confined to their beds the ability to alert the medical staff (most especially their attending nurse) of an immediate medical (or emergency) situation.

With the call alert, the nurses are informed that the patient might have an immediate need of important attention, medical or otherwise. The assistance can take on different forms. There could be a physical need for assistance (getting up, for example) or the patient’s other physical needs triggered by some symptoms and conditions (pain, feeling of cold or heat, etc.)


Different hospitals have different systems in paging their nurses. However, the systems are basically similar in principle. They only differ in the versions or types of technologies used their procedural techniques, and other integrated actions as provided by their software.

For instance, one system has the patient initiating a call via a call station button. The patient’s information and other pertinent data are displayed on the monitor.


The info might include time and date, room number, type of call (emergency, bed, etc) and is immediately sent to the assigned nurse where the same info is presented.

Some systems have additional actions to consider, like levels of escalation that depends on the urgency and the type of medical requirements of the patient. Some have features like repeats on the notices on unanswered alerts.

Once a response is received, this will not be put on display at the monitor.  (In addition, for hospital use, the notices are recorded and stored for review, analysis and other future actions.)

Other features

Some systems use wireless pendants in the nurse call. Some come in belt clips, neck pendants, or sometimes as wrist bands. All need to be in constant surveillance and supervision, however, because most units are battery-operated and are in danger of unit power failure.

The signals are sent on multiple frequencies to ensure reliability and connection to the called party. The present systems in use are usually not dependent on any particular operating systems. They might be browser-based for accessibility at any computer. 

The other nurse call systems have nurses stations and offsite computers provide visual notices. Some systems have large wall pagers that display the4 notifications all over the facility (hospital).

Saturday, January 13, 2018

Business Phone Systems – Features and Choices

When the telephone had upped the ante in communications, possible even for people at the farthest ends of the planet, business had it so good. The device and the system had interconnected everyone in the world. For businessmen, business phone systems Australia grew in step with the strides made in the business world.

These systems are now laden with the most modern features. The reasons are mostly foe efficiency and simplification of tasks since the business world is also becoming as complex as ever. Today’s features are mostly the offshoots of past necessities which many people want on their phone system.

All in all, the importance of having this modern communications convenience is underscored by the benefits and advantages they now have.


Primarily for businessmen, the goal is getting the business phone systems Australia that will serve best your company’s business needs. The next consideration might be the availability of your budget. (Larger companies have the luxury of getting an on-premise system while smaller companies can benefit from hosted systems or cloud systems.)

The on-premise solutions help the bigger companies to have more control, even hiring an IT team to manage it because they have the luxury of resources to maintain it.


Today’s businesses that don’t have access to broadband Internet will have to make do with traditional solutions. Incidentally, cloud-hosted VoIP systems are ideal for small and medium companies that need sophisticated features at an ideal price.

They have lower cost structures with a good array of features, including mobility. Some of these are included in the following list with some short descriptions.


One privilege for managers is having the choice of recording. This will ensure that your employees are saying the right things during their interaction with customers. This is to ensure that quality control is steady and error-free.

It also is applicable to holding a yardstick to benchmark your outstanding employees. This is one feature that assures your high level of customer service and satisfaction.


These days, voicemail (which had been around for years) is now availing the new technology that transcribes them. One handy new feature can have you review the messages (both the email and the transcription). You can then decide later the priority of each. (This happens even after the messages were left after office hours.)

Voicemails that are left will dictate the system to time-stamp it and send it to your inbox for listening. You have the option to forward it to the right person if it pertains to another staff member.

Call transfers, sending and receiving

One big feature in today’s systems is the ability to get a local number that forwards directly to your mobile. Another feature is getting your employees make and receive business calls from anywhere without a dedicated business phone.

This one feature gives them the functionality of their desk phones wherever and whenever needed. Clients can reach your staff anywhere. In addition, clients can be3 put on hold and hear catchy music and announcements (ads, promos, messages) while waiting.

These and more are just some of the growing features of today’s business phone systems Australia